December 6, 2022

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HIFU Facial Treatment: The new facelift

  • What is it?
  • HIFU Facelift vs Traditional Facelift
  • Procedure
  • Results 
  • Side effects
  • Who’s a good candidate?
  • Cost
  • Summary

A HIFU facial, also known as a high intensity focused ultrasound facial, is a FDA approved noninvasive treatment that stimulates collagen. It’s a treatment that helps with anti-aging by providing the benefits of a facelift with little to no downtime.

What is it?


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The results of a HIFU facial may not last as long as those of surgical procedures.

A HIFU facial uses heat ultrasound waves that penetrate the skin at a deep level. The heat damages the skin cells which causes them to repair themselves with the production of collagen to aid cell regeneration. Collagen is a protein in our body which strengthens skin and improves elasticity and hydration, along with many other benefits.

Every year HIFU facelifts become more and more popular because of its benefits:

  1. Tightens and firms skin, on face, neck and chest area
  2. Reduces the look of wrinkles 
  3. Lifts cheeks, eyebrows, and eyelids 
  4. Improves jawline definition 
  5. Natural looking, smooths skin with no downtime
  6. Save and effective, results are long-lasting

HIFU facials are used for facial rejuvenation, lifting, tightening and contouring. 

HIFU Facelift vs Traditional Facelift

A HIFU facial lasts about 30-60 minutes depending on the areas being treated. There is no preparation and no recovery time, hence why some people call it the “lunch time face lift”. Depending on the results you desire, it can take one-six sessions spaced about 4 weeks apart. 

Surgical facelifts requires a surgeon to cut and remove parts of the skin around the face. Clients are place under general anaesthetic before surgery and the pain and recovery time can last about two-four weeks. The results can last up to about a decade post procedure. This costly procedure can come with complication during surgery, lasting scars and results aren’t always natural. 

HIFU Face Procedure 

No preparation is needed before a HIFU facial. Some clients may take acetaminophen (Tylenol), or a non steroidal anti-inflammatory (Advil) before the treatment if concerned about the pain. 

Procedure steps:

  1. The aesthetician will clean the target area(s).
  2. An ultrasound gel will be applied to the area(s).
  3. The HIFU device is placed on the skin.
  4. The aesthetician will use an ultrasound viewer to adjust the device the setting needed for the area.
  5. Heat ultrasound waves are sent underneath the skin in short pulses. You may feel slightly heat and tinging.
  6. The device is moved around the skin to treat the entire target area(s).

After the treatment, you will schedule the a follow up to determine if another treatment is needed. 



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You can see some results immediate post treatment, but it takes about 2-3 months to see the full results of the treatment.   

Side effects

There are very few side effects with the HIFU facial treatment. 

Some people experience slight pain or discomfort or a bit of redness  swelling, tingling or tenderness immediately post procedure. However these side effects do improve without intervention shortly after.  

Who’s a good candidate? 


Our pricing 


HIFU facials, or HIFU facelifts, are an effective treatment that improves the appearance of skin, giving clients youthful, glowing skin. 

Its advantages over a traditional face lift are undeniable. A HIFU facial allows you to get back to regular, daily activities immediate post treatments, and costs significantly less. Results may not last as long, but the results are comparable. 

Depending on the client’s skin and with a good skin regime, the benefits of a HIFU facial can last for about 1-2 years.

For the past 10 years, it has been our goal to help people feel confident in their Bodies and with their Faces, we recognize the power that comes with the confidence of looking beautiful and feeling good in your skin. At MyProSculpt Aesthetics, our goal to help achieve the results you would like to accomplish and will work with you until you are completely satisfied with your aesthetics results. Our aesthetic and cosmetic treatments are affordably priced, beauty and perfection have never been so easily attainable. Take a moment to browse through the different services we offer.


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